This tutorial on linux machine:
First you`ll need Java JDK.
You can found JDK installation at below link.
Java JDK
if using binary just run ./java_SDK_version.bin installation directory depends on your current working directory.
Next you need to define JDK path in your linux profile.
Simply add below line at linux profile.
JAVA_HOME=/"path of you installation directory"
export JAVA_HOME
save this setting.
reactivate your profile by:
[root@localhost]etc# . ./profile
test the configuration by type "echo JAVA_HOME" without quotes, this should return same as your configuration inside profile.
Next we came to Jboss.
You can found Jboss at jboss which latest version is Jboss AS 7.
After finished download transfer your jboss to any preferred directory in your linux machine( can use ftp or etc to transfer files).
Try to run Jboss after finished transferring:
you can find bootstrap at /jboss_version/bin/
you can check log at /jboss_version/server/default/log/server.log
this server.log refresh after each restart for that particular day.
try to connect from your browser localhost should return jboss console page. if not successfull try localhost:8080.
Happy jbossing.....